20 Adorable Pacifier Nicknames
We love hearing all the adorable names families use for their baby's pacifiers!
"Binky" and "Paci" seem to be really popular with moms and babies here in Calgary, but many parents and little ones - have created some unique and precious names for their soothers that we can't get enough of...
- Binky
- Bip
- Bobo
- Bubba
- Button
- Chupy
- Fee Fee
- Hushie
- Kiki
- Nini
- Nubby
- Nuk / Nookie
- Paci
- Pip / Pippy
- Plugger
- Seussy
- Soothie
- Soo Soo
- Sucky
- Wubby
What does your family call yours?!
Everyone in my family started calling pacifiers wawa after I started calling my pacifiers wawa. I don’t know where I came up with that either 😂😂
This is cute! https://www.babyonline.co.nz/
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