20 Adorable Pacifier Nicknames

We love hearing all the adorable names families use for their baby's pacifiers!

"Binky" and "Paci" seem to be really popular with moms and babies here in Calgary, but many parents and little ones - have created some unique and precious names for their soothers that we can't get enough of...


  1. Binky
  2. Bip
  3. Bobo
  4. Bubba
  5. Button
  6. Chupy
  7. Fee Fee
  8. Hushie
  9. Kiki
  10. Nini
  11. Nubby
  12. Nuk / Nookie
  13. Paci 
  14. Pip / Pippy
  15. Plugger
  16. Seussy
  17. Soothie
  18. Soo Soo
  19. Sucky
  20. Wubby 

What does your family call yours?! 




  • Jazmine Jones

    I call them bees, my cousin used to yell “bee!” When she wanted her pacifier.

  • Molly

    My little brothers say Diddy

  • Tracy swinehart

    We called them fullers.

  • Jen

    We use paci mostly but I also call it Noodge

  • Davetta

    We call it a Fipple (fake nipple)

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