BUMPin News: Our top 10 baby bump announcements ideas
Learning that you are pregnant is an exciting time for all parents. Finding out that you are going to be bringing a new little person into the world, and adding a new addition to your family, calls for high fives all around. What might be even more exciting than finding out that you are pregnant is actually getting to tell all of your loved ones that you are? Your baby bump announcement is a special moment in your life, so why not turn it into something that’s fun and creative? This will ensure that it will be a vivid memory for years to come. Here are our top 10 baby bump announcement ideas just for you:
1. Eviction Notice - An easy way to let everyone know a new baby is on the way is by evicting the old one! This snapped photo is funny and sweet all wrapped into one.

Baby Shoes - Take a photo of your shoes as a couple, with them on or having them placed on the floor somewhere. Add a tiny pair of baby shoes and the message is quite clear - a little one is on the way to fill them.
Have a Drink for Me - It is always obvious to friends and family that someone is pregnant when they constantly refuse alcoholic beverages. If you’re a wine lover, this baby announcement is perfect for you to post on Instagram
Our Parents are Getting a Human - This one is great for couples who have pets and are now welcoming a little human into their lives. Grab a chalkboard and some string and write something creative and funny to hang on your dogs, or any other pets.
Chalk Wall Announcement - This option customizable---you can write or draw whatever you like. Scribble on the due date of your baby, draw some balloons and get a chalk bump in there as well.
T-Shirt Fun - A photo in a custom made T-shirt is a unique way to announce your baby to the world. If it’s near the holidays that you find out you’re pregnant, you can play on those themes. Even picking a favorite television show or movie and using a quote from there works great.
Big Sister/Brother - Incorporating your first child into your pregnancy announcement is a perfect way to show off your growing family. Tag on cute quotes such as “big sister” or “big brother” on something your son and daughter can hold for a picture perfect moment.
Some Basic Math - Show off your addition to the family by literally taking a picture that involves some addition.
Eating for Two - Eating for two is a common phrase used throughout pregnancy. This will get the message across fast and easy, and you can incorporate the husband into it with a fun twist as well.
Tests and Ultrasounds - Show off your ultrasound pictures, or even a pregnancy test, in a simple, touching photo.
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